13 Sept 2023 – The Government has finally given the green light to proceed to tender to appoint a contractor for Fintra bridge and road realignment in the area.

Consultancy services for the design of a new road realignment and bridge at Fintra, Co. Donegal.

Fintra Bridge has been identified on the R263 as a pinch point and inferior in the context of the overall regional route. It is now proposed to carry out an appraisal to establish a rationale for intervention and provide a basis for a decision to proceed with a scheme. The appraisal of the project will be carried out using the guidance document published by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport namely “Common Appraisal Framework for Transport Projects and Programmes”.
It is an objective of Donegal County Council that the new alignment and bridge will provide a safer transport route on this key piece of infrastructure for the local communities reliant on this route and for visitors to the county visiting the tourist facilities in this area along the WAW.
The design services include but is not limited to, the appraisal of the project, constraints study, route selection process and design of all elements of a new road alignment and bridge structures to the required standards, compliant with the TII (NRA) Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), eurocodes and all other relevant standards and legislation.
Candidates shall refer to the Design Brief for full description of services required.

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