05 Jul 2022 contractor had to withdraw his tender due to cost increases & supply issues.

The Carrick on Shannon Destination Town Project which will include the following works:

1. To undertake a Public Realm Improvements Scheme within the Town, to enhance the existing streetscape between Cryan’s Hotel and the Carrick Plaza Suites along Local Road L3401-1. The nature of the public realm works includes, inter alia, the widening of footpaths, the provision of enhanced uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the provision of new public lighting in addition to the existing lighting, to replace the existing road surface, to relocate the existing street furniture and signage, the provision of soft and hard landscaping measures and to alter the existing on street car-parking provision.

2. The Replacement of the existing Bus stop shelter with a covered structure along the N4 on the Southern carriage-way that will shelter people waiting on or arriving by bus while equally providing shelter to enjoy overlooking the public space along the river edge. External seating and improved landscaping of the area to the rear of this covered structure and the river walk.

3. The Installation of a new covered bus shelter along Local Road L3401-1 to the front of the Primary Care Building as a bus departure area.

4. The Relocation of the existing ESB Networks Sub-station currently located in front of the Carrick Plaza Suites.

5. Improvements to external lighting of the following protected structures: Costello Memorial Chapel, St. George’s Church and St Mary’s Catholic Church.

6. The provision of 16 No. Way Finding Signs to include additional hard/soft landscaping works in the vicinity of Sign No. 5 and 6 as indicated on the submitted documentation

To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Leitrim Granted permission on 21st October 2021 take the free trial here.

N4 Carrick on Shannon

Plans Granted

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