03 May 2024
The construction of a single storey substation in Dublin Airport, which includes an MV & LV Switch Room, MV/LV Transformer Room, ICT Comms/SCADA Room and a Panel Room.

28 March 2024 Construction of an animal welfare building consisting of stables, an office loading areas and ancillary accommodation at Dublin Airport, Dublin, Fingal.

The development is a modification to a previous permission for Airside Operation Facilities (Reg. Ref. F19A/0426) which approved the development of an animal welfare facility, airside operation facilities and the provision of a substation.
The proposed development subject of the modification will consist of:
i. Proposed amendments to the permitted Airside Operation Facilities located east of ‘Gate Post 22’ at the junction of Swords Road (R132) and the Old Airport Road, to include: a) An increase in the scale of the approved single storey animal welfare facility by 44sq.m from 376sq.m to 420sq.m
b) Inclusion of 3 no. loading bays
c) Relocation of the animal welfare facility building further east by 5m
d) Provision of perimeter fencing around the animal welfare facility
e) Provision of a gabion fence screening along the eastern elevation
f) A new roof proposed unloading platforms
g) Relocation of portacabins and 2x car parking spaces
h) Relocation of the landscaped berm further east modification of same to cater for retention of existing trees
i) The addition of 14 no. EV charging stations located to the north of the approved parking area for airside buses and associated pad mounted substation and charging power units
j) Relocation of the attenuation tank and rerouting of foul water pipe diversion
k) Relocation of the petrol/ oil interceptor
i) A landscaped berm screening to the north and north-east
II. Relocation of the approved single storey ‘Substation 19’ to c. 45m southeast of the originally approved location, the gross floor area of which will remain the same as that approved at 168 sq.m.
III Provision of new MV ducts and data cable route which require crossing of the Cuckoo Stream via underground crossing to facilitate a connection between ‘Substation 19’ to the Dardistown Main Substation located to the north of the Cuckoo Stream and all ancillary site development works.
IV. Proposed works will result in an increase in the site area to 1.85ha (site area of parent permission was (0.9ha) to accommodate additional cabling and MV ducts for the relocated substation and to cater for a new vehicle holding lay-by-area. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Transport Development in Dublin Started on 28th March 2024 take the free trial here.

Dublin Airport


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