28 May 2024
The proposed works include (but not limited to) material alterations to the Pier 3 ground floor Immigration Hall (Arrivals Level) to improve passenger circulation through queuing and processors. The works include reconfiguration of the immigration queueing areas to allow for more efficient queuing, the relocation of ancillary office accommodation, and the relocation of the toilet facilities. An external extension includes the provision of a small external pump room associated with the new internal relocated toilet facilities which form part of the ground floor Immigration Hall material alterations at Terminal 1, Dublin Airport, Swords, Fingal
The proposed development relates to the entirety of the Airport including greenfield sites on the periphery of the Airport, as well as parts of adjoining public roads, including the Airport roundabout; the R132/Corballis Road South; R132/Old Airport Road; and R108/Old Airport Road.
Development Description/ the proposed development will consist of:
Increase in passengers numbers per annum
a) An increase in the capacity of the airport from the permitted combined capacity of Terminal 1 together with Terminal 2 of 32 million passengers per annum (32mppa) (as referenced by condition no. 3 of ABP Ref. No. PL06F.220670 (F06A/1248) and condition no. 2 under ABP Ref No. PL06F.223469 (F06A/1843)) to 40 million passengers per annum (40mppa). b) The increase to the capacity will include all attendant airport operations at Dublin Airport. The proposed increase in passenger numbers will supersede and replace condition no. 3 of ABP Ref. No. PL06F.220670 (F06A/1248) and condition no. 2 under ABP Ref. No. PL06F.223469 (F06A/1843). The provision of airport infrastructure to include the following Project Elements, namely:
Project Element 1: North Apron
a) Demolition of existing buildings on site including the North Terminal Building, Hangar 1, Hangar 2, Hangar 3, the ‘SIM’ Office Building, a substation and storage building (total demolition c. 35,307m2 ) b) The construction of an extension (‘Module 1’) (c. 12,799.49m2 ) to Pier 1 at Terminal 1, which will comprise a two-storey structure with arrivals facilities at ground floor level and departure facilities at first floor including boarding gates, circulation and waiting areas, food and beverage facilities, retail space, toilets and welfare facilities, and ancillary back-of-house facilities, as well as ancillary offices, staff welfare, IT rooms, stores, plant, and a substation. c) 2no. jet bridges, and 3 no. MARS (Mixed Apron Ramp System) stands, of which 2no. will have fixed links and nodes. d) The proposed extension to the passenger pier will be connected to the existing Skybridge via a new Vertical Circulation Core (VCC) (c. 751.59m2 ), and the internal flows in the Skybridge will be reversed. e) The existing Immigration Hall and Pier 1 interfaces with the existing Skybridge will require amendments to the existing Immigration VCC (c. 268.67m2 ) and localised widening of the Skybridge on its eastern side. f) New substations including a new external substation referred to as Substation 43 (c. 87.63m2 ), and a new substation located on the ground floor of Module 1 (c. 141.79m2 ). g) Relocation of the entrance to the existing Platinum Services facility and associated internal amendments. h) A new airside service road is proposed to the south of the proposed pier extension, beneath the skybridge and beside the Old Central Terminal Building (Protected
Structure (RPS 612)). i) Associated development including a new airside service road to the south of the proposed pier; relocation of the airside/landside fence; landscaping and drainage works, including diversions of existing services.
Project Element 2: South Apron
a) Enabling works comprising the demolition of existing buildings (c. 29,101.2m2 , to include Cargo Terminal 1 (c. 10,446m2 ), Cargo Terminal 2 (c. 5,445m2 ), the existing Passenger Boarding Zone (PBZ) (c. 2,209m2 ), Shamrock House Annex and Link Bridge (c. 2,509m2 ) and Gate Gourmet (c. 2,473m2 )) and service diversions. b) The construction of a new 3-storey pier (Pier 5) (c. 24,070m2 ) projecting eastward from the existing Terminal 2 building and incorporating 8NBE stands, six bus lounges, enclosed gate-hold rooms, fixed links, with the capacity for both airbridge and walk in / walk out boarding / disembarkation. c) A reconfiguration & expansion of the existing US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) pre-clearance facility, which will consist of: (i) the demolition of: 2no. existing Pier 4 link bridges; 2no. external vertical circulation cores (VCC) and 2no. airbridges; part of the north, east and south elevations of the existing CBP facility (c. 309m2 ), including external footpaths, ramps and handrails; and part of the existing apron pavement. (ii) internal reconfiguration of part of Pier 4 and the existing CBP facility (c. 1,017m2 ) and the construction of an expanded 2-storey, part 3-storey CBP facility to the east of the existing CBP facility (c. 8,203m2 ), to include: a. pre-clearance passenger processing facilities at Level 10 (ground floor), including 5no. entry Egates, queuing areas, 11no. screening lanes, 22no. booths, transit lounge area, welfare facilities, and ancillary staff facilities. b. lounge, retail/food and beverage area, swing gateroom, welfare facilities, airline lounge, staff facilities, including ancillary offices at Level 15 (first floor). c. construction of 2no. external vertical circulation cores (VCC). d. construction of a new skybridge links at Level 15 (first floor) Level 20 (second floor) and Level 30 (third floor) between the proposed Pier 5, and the existing Pier 4 and the existing Terminal 2 building and all associated works. e. security facilities at Level 10 and Level 20, and a lift core extending to Level 30 (third floor (part)), to merge with the remaining parts of the existing facility at Pier 4. f. ancillary external structures to the extended roof, including rooflights, external balustrade and handrail; fixed metal roof walkway; and fall protection anchorage system. g. realignment of the existing airside road; the provision of new airside road; and the provision of pedestrian walkways and zebra crossings. h. the reorganisation of an existing airside operations car parking area to provide 15no. airside operations car parking spaces; the provision of 2no. PRM airside operations parking spaces, 2no. platinum passenger parking spaces, 2no. GIWA (goods vehicles) spaces, and 2no. bus set down areas. i. decommissioning of 2no. existing operational aircraft stands. d) the partial demolition (c. 3,320m2 ), refurbishment and upgrade of the existing 2-storey former Flight Catering Building, to become the South Apron Support Centre (SASC) (c. 4,139m2 ) which, together with its existing external hardstanding area to the north-west of the SASC, is to be used initially as a temporary construction compound (office storage and a pre-screening/ logistics/ staff welfare facilities) for the proposed works to the CBP facility, and then for continued use as an Airport Operational Building for airside support/operations, which will consist of: (i) upgrade of the façade of the existing SASC building, to include partial demolition of the later attritions/extensions to the south and west flanks of the building; demolition of the existing pedestrian link bridge to Shamrock House to the east (making good the elevation of Shamrock House to match the existing), and demolition of an existing substation internal to the building. (ii) the refurbishment of the remaining SASC structure to provide offices, meeting rooms, staff welfare facilities, storage and plant rooms on the ground and first floors, and refurbished rooftop plant enclosure and new rooftop balustrades (c. 4,139m2 ), as well as an external dining courtyard at ground floor. (iii) the provision of 10no. visitor car parking spaces, 2no. PRM visitor car parking spaces and 80no. cycle storage racks. (iv) revised external pedestrian and vehicular circulation arrangements. (v) separate external smoking shelter and separate external bin storage. e) new part 2-storey Gate Post 4 (c. 431m2 ), with associated roads and civil works. f) A remote Passenger Boarding Zone (PBZ) (c. 2,198m2 ), with a capacity of 9NBE stands and an extended dual Code E taxi-lane. g) Associated infrastructure works including airfield and general services, surface water attenuation and pollution control, including the reconfiguration of a section of the Cuckoo stream.
Project Element 3: Terminal 1 Central Search
a) The construction of an extension to an existing internal Level 30 mezzanine level in Terminal 1 (c.1,200m2 ) to accommodate a relocated Central Search Area (CSA). b) Realignment of the southern external façade line outward to allow for circulation space behind the security lanes. c) A new vertical circulation core (VCC) from level 30 mezzanine to level 20 International Departure Lounge, comprising lifts, escalators and stairs, and rooflighting. d) New office and operational support spaces, and conversion of the redundant central search area on Level 20 to provide 2no. ‘Fast Track’ security lanes and 1no. new Staff Search security lane, at Level 20. e) Security Processing Equipment at Level 30, to include a pre-screening queue management area, 16no. new Autopass gates (8no. at either side of the CSA) and 11no. 25m long ATRS (automatic tray return system) security screening lanes and body scanners.
Project Element 4: New Apron 7
a) The demolition of 6no. habitable houses, the removal of existing hedgerows, and development of a new remote Apron 7 to the north-west of the airport campus with attendant taxiway access. b) 9no MARS or 18no. Code C remote stands distributed in two cul-de-sacs; and 5no. Code C remote stands. c) single-storey electricity substation (c. 165m2 ) and single-storey dispatch building (c. 55m2 ). blast screen (to the south) and realignment and cul-de-sac-ing of the R108 public road. d) new Code F parallel taxiway and taxiway links to taxiway Mike and Apron 7. e) The development of Apron 7 will necessitate the severance and cul-de-sacing of the R108.
Project Element 5: Underpass beneath Runway 16/34 (Underpass)
a) the construction of a subterranean Underpass of Runway 16/34, which will comprise: (i) A twin-cell enclosed tunnel with 2 no. lanes in each direction, linked to the surface by ramps, portals, and light attenuation screen (1.8m in height above existing ground level at the west ramp and 3.3m in height above existing ground level at the east ramp). The enclosed section will be approximately 0.7 km long, with an overall alignment of approximately 1.1 km in length from top of ramp to top of ramp. It will be approximately 24m in external width, and approximately 5.5m in internal height from road to tunnel ceiling. It will be up to 17.5m below existing ground level. (ii) Plant room, of approximately 625m2 , which will comprise housing for transformers, pumps, controls and communications equipment, located underground at the portal of the east ramp, a parking layby and utilities corridor crossing. (iii) Demolition (approximately 23,741m2 ) and reinstatement (approximately 16,216m2 ) of part of the pavement surfaces of Apron Taxiway 4, Taxiway F-2, Runway 16/34 (the crosswind runway), Taxiway W1 and W2, and the West Apron. (iv) Access roads to tie in with the existing airside road network at each end of the proposed Underpass (at Pier 3 on the Eastern Campus and the West Apron on the Western campus respectively), and 31no. car parking spaces at surface level at Pier 3. (v) Demolition (approximately 97m2 ) of fixed links (elevated enclosed passenger walkways leading from the Pier to Aircraft Nodes) and Nodes (structures which provide support for the fixed links and internal pedestrian access cores to ground level) serving 3no. aircraft stands and associated airbridges (passenger boarding bridges) at Level 20 (departure gates) of Pier 3. To the south of Pier 3, an existing airbridge is to be removed and an existing fixed link is to be adjusted to service existing stands in that area. (vi) Replacement of the demolished fixed links and nodes with 3no. new fixed links, A (approximately 356m2 ), B (approximately 227m2 ) and C (approximately 170m2 ) and of approximately 150m, 95m and 70m in length respectively and approximately 2.2m in width and approximately 3.2m in height, at a maximum height of approximately 7.1m above the surrounding apron; 3no. two-storey Nodes A, B and C, approximately 157m2 , 154m2 and 148m2 in area respectively; and 2no. airbridges (1no. at Node A and 1no. at Node B). (vii) Modifications to the elevations of Pier 3 at Level 20 to accommodate the links and airbridges, including part replacement of the existing glazing with new glazing/cladding, and a new cladded portal with new doors and access control at each new fixed link location; rearrangement of part of the internal floorspace of Level 20, including a new partition between the entrance/ exits of proposed fixed links A and B; new surface water drainage network; and 31no. car parking spaces at surface level; (viii) Realignment of stands on the Eastern Campus resulting in the net loss of three Narrow Body Enabled (NBE) stands and net gain of one Wide Body (WB) stand at Pier 3. b) Realignment of aircraft stands in the West Apron (involving rearranging /relocating stands by way of new paint markings on the apron pavement) to accommodate the portal and Underpass access roads (no net change in number of stands). c) Modifications to existing drainage network in the vicinity of the proposed Underpass including replacement of existing attenuation system, and construction of a new drainage network for the proposed Underpass, including sump pit with pumps, interceptors, and new attenuation tank. d) Temporary diversion of the Airfield Trunk Culvert during construction and its reinstatement at the existing alignment and level. e) Realignment of stands at Pier 2 on the Eastern Campus (no net change in number of stands). f) All ancillary airport infrastructure including additional apparatus/equipment including jet blast fencing, Fixed Electrical Ground Power (FEGP), Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System (AVDGS), Stand Number Indicator Board (SNIB), Fuel Hydrants, High Mast Lighting (HML), electrical charging facilities, and miscellaneous ground service equipment (GSE) parking and storage areas.
Project Element 6: Airfield Drainage Project
a) upgrades to existing drainage infrastructure and construction of additional drainage infrastructure to provide an integrated and improved surface water management at Dublin Airport, and will consist of: (i) a contamination detection and response (CD&R) system comprising detection devices, network decision points (DPs), control kiosks, and ancillary infrastructure including local access roads, local drainage and communications and power ducts. (ii) clean water supply pipelines consisting of large diameter trunk pipelines. (iii) airfield contaminated pipelines consisting of large diameter trunk pipelines. (iv) upgrades to the West Apron surface water collection network including reconfiguration of the existing network, construction of an underground attenuation tank, installation of a local CD&R system, network DPs and control kiosks, construction of an underground pollution storage tank, a pumping station, and ancillary development including local ductwork, local access roads and local drainage. (v) upgrades to the existing surface water collection network in the vicinity of the South Apron including reconfiguration of the existing network, construction of network DPs, upgrade of the existing flow diversion structure (FDS) and reconfiguration of the existing Cuckoo supply channel. (vi) a central pollution control facility (CPCF) consisting of underground pollution control storage tanks, a pumping station, a discharge pipeline to the Uisce Éireann network, mechanical and electrical equipment, a control building, an electrical substation, and ancillary development including a local access road, local drainage, and ducting. (vii) a CPCF pipeline consisting of a large diameter trunk pipeline. (viii) a central supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system comprising kiosks and associated electrical power and signal connections. (ix) repurposing of the central section of the existing Airfield Trunk Culvert (ATC) as a contaminated pipeline. (x) additional flood alleviation measures downstream of the airfield to provide additional flood resilience. (xi) Cuckoo Stream naturalisation measures downstream of the airfield to improve habitat quality and facilitate further improvements in water quality. (xii) ancillary and associated development including pipework, mechanical and electrical service connections and upgrades, and site development works.
Project Element 7: Ground Transportation Centre
a) Reconfiguration of the existing Ground Transportation Centre to provide additional bus bays (29no. in total) in a new Drive-In, Reverse-Out (DIRO) arrangement. b) Ancillary development, to include a dedicated bus only lane; bus only recirculation route; general traffic/bus bypass lanes; short-term bus layover at the site of the current coach park; improved long-term layover facilities at the Express Red Long-Term Car Park; pedestrian waiting area and revisions to pedestrian circulation routes.
Project Element 8: Terminal 2 MSCP Extension a) The development consists of the upward extension of the Terminal 2 Multi-Storey Car Park at Dublin Airport by 2 levels (i.e., from 6 levels to 8 levels) to provide 654 no. additional permanent short-term car parking spaces, and all associated ancillary infrastructure and facilities including extending the existing stair cores, the provision of 3 no. new lift shafts, new generator compound, lining of new car parking spaces, and the extension of 2 no. external ramps. b) The proposed development will include the provision of 26no. eCar charging spaces, and all site development, drainage, lighting, signage, CCTV and landscaping works. c) Temporary construction measures including the provision of a welfare facility on the existing level 3.
Project Element 9: Long Term Car Park (Red)
a) Construction of an extension of the Express Red Long Term Car park to provide for an additional c. 1,871no. long term car parking spaces on a temporary basis for either 10 years, or once MetroLink becomes operational, whichever is the sooner, to include 91no. PRM spaces and 100no. fitted with EV charging points, and all ancillary infrastructure and facilities including new internal circulation road, footpaths, pedestrian crossings, roundabouts, bus routes and 8no. shelters, upgrade of existing welfare facilities. b) The existing Access Point to the Express Red Car Park is to be utilised with access into the carpark via the existing internal red car park North South Parallel Road. c) New surface water drainage system works. d) The erection of CCTV equipment, security fencing, electrical enclosure, lighting, signage, and boundary fencing. e) All other associated site development works, including all hard and soft landscaping.
Project Element 10: Staff Car Park North
a) the construction of a new surface car park which will comprise 700no. airport staff car parking spaces, of which 30no. will be provided for PRM and 18no. will be serviced by EV charging points, to be accessed off the Castlemoate Road via a new entrance including the provision of a right-hand turning lane on Castlemoate Rd; b) new two-way cycle path along the east side of Castlemoate Rd from Corballis Rd to the Naul Rd c) new two-way cycle path to the south of the proposed car park connecting the proposed cycle path on Castlemoate Rd to the existing cycle path on the R132, access to be controlled via security gates. d) 40no. bicycle spaces. e) new bus stop layby on the east side of Castlemoate Rd including 1no. new bus shelter (c. 29.85m2 ). f) new internal road layout, with footpaths, incorporating culverting of the existing east-west drainage ditch. g) security barriers at the new car park entrance. h) new surface water drainage system works incorporating attenuation. i) the erection of CCTV equipment, security fencing, electrical enclosure, lighting, signage, and boundary fencing; and j) all other associated site development works, including all hard and soft landscaping, on a site of approximately 3.1 hectares.
Project Element 11: Junction Improvements
a) Upgrade of junctions in the vicinity of the airport to provide additional bus priority capacity, including: (i) R132 / M1 Link Airport Roundabout: o Introduction of additional bus priority measures for E-W bus/coach movements between the Airport & the M1 link. o Optimisation of traffic signals in relation to all bus movements, i.e., north-south on the proposed BusConnects Swords Core Bus Corridor (CBC) (ABP-317121-23) and east-west between the Airport and the M1 link. (ii) R132 / Corballis Road South: o Ahead lane from Corballis Rd South to Express Red Long-Term Car Park to become ahead and right. (iii) R132 / Old Airport Road: o Additional right turn bus lane from R132 (N) to Old Airport Road (W). o Additional left filter bus lane from Old Airport Rd (W) to R132 (N). (iv) R108 / Old Airport Road: o Additional left turn bus lane from R108 (N) to Old Airport Road (E). o Optimisation of traffic signals and lane markings to prioritise bus movements (E-N). (v) Corballis Road North/Corballis Avenue: o Introduction of lane destination markings. (vi) Corballis Road North/Recirculation Link: o Conversion of internal recirculation link to bus, taxi and Authorised Vehicles only, with link into wider bus priority measures. o Additional bus priority on Corballis Road North to link to bus priority improvements at exit from Airport Roundabout
Overall, the proposed development will result in a loss of 4no. Narrow Body Equivalent (NBE) stands (2no. at Pier 3 and 2no. at Pier 4), however there will be an overall net increase of 33no. NBE stands across the airfield resulting in a total capacity of 167no. NBE. The proposed development will also supersede and replace condition no. 23 of ABP Ref. No. PL06F.220670 (F06A/1248) in respect of short-term, long-term and staff parking as follows: (a) The total number of long-term public car parking spaces serving the Airport shall not exceed 28,671 spaces. (b) The total number of short-term public car parking spaces shall not exceed 4,654 spaces. (c) The total number of staff car parking spaces shall not exceed 5,360 spaces. The proposed development site includes an establishment to which the European Communities (Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 apply. For the avoidance of doubt, the proposed development does not intend to modify the existing establishment to which the European Communities (Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 apply (Fuel Farm).
The proposed development site also includes activities covered by an existing Industrial Emissions Licence (P0480- 02: Hangar 1 and 5) and Integrated Pollution Control Licence (P0921-01: Hangar 3) issued by the Environmental Protection Agency. For the avoidance of doubt, the proposed development does not intend to modify either the Industrial Emissions Licence, the Integrated Pollution Control Licence or the premises covered by the licences. The proposed development consists of the carrying out of works in the curtilage of 3no. Protected structures, the Old Central Terminal Building (RPS 612); Church of Our Lady Queen of Heaven (RPS 864); and Castlemoate House (RPS 611).
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.
The planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). The planning application and EIAR may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours. Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin (to inspect Planning Applications on all lands). Opening Hours 9.30 – 16.30 Monday – Friday. (Cash Office opening hours are 9.30 to 15.30 p.m.). A submission or observation in relation to the Application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the Application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission
Dublin Airport Co. Dublin in the townlands of Millhead,, Kilreesk, Kingstown, Dunbro, Barberstown, Pickardstown, Portmellick, Forest Great, Forest Little, Cloghran, Collinstown,, Corballis, Coultry, Commons Rock, Harristown, Siloge, Huntstown, Shanganhill, Sandyhill, Dardistown, Stockhole, and Toberbunny.
To find out more details on this Transport Development in Dublin Started on 28th May 2024 take the free trial here.