The development will consist of: a 2 -storey airside operations building of c.1,698 sq.m and c.8.4m in height (max. height of c.9.5m including plant) accommodating a passenger reception centre for airside emergency incidents and primary support function for the airport to include operations, maintenance and storage facilities required for the airfield’s foreign object debris and snow bases. The building will include an open sided area for the parking of HGV”s and to store equipment. A new gate will be provided to the compound of the airside operations building to the south within the security restricted area fence line, enabling emergency vehicles direct access, a 2 storey north apron line maintenance centre building of c.1,910 sq.m and c.7.3m in height providing a temporary facility accommodating airside workshops and stores at ground level and offices above. Following the completion of longer-term facilities at the North Apron the centre will be removed and the hardstanding will be reused for airside ground servicing equipment storage and staging areas; foreign object debris airside infrastructure to include above-ground potassium acetate tanks, fuel tank, skip and container area and tipping ramps; airside parking areas with electric vehicle (ev) charging stations for buses and cars; and a new generator room of c.107sq.m and 3.9m in height housing electrical equipment.
The development will also include site clearance airside north of the critical part of security restricted area boundary and demolition of existing smoking shelter, c.4.4sq.m and provision of hard-standing areas, smoking shelter, landscaping, fencing and gates, lighting (up to 30m in height), utilities, ancillary parking, external snow base parking, drainage and attenuation systems and all associated site works.

To find out more details on this Transport Development in Dublin Granted permission on 14th June 2024 take the free trial here.

Site Between Hanger 5 & M50 Garage

Plans Granted

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