The development will consist of the installation of a new facade and thermal envelope to all elevations of the upper two storeys of the original Terminal 1 building (i.e. ‘Levels 40 & 50’), with enhanced and consolidated DAA office space to be provided across both levels, and associated development at roof level and Level 10 (i.e. Arrivals Level). The development will include: Removal of the existing vertical concrete fins from all elevations of the building; Extension of the existing floorspace at Levels 40 & 50 to include external balcony areas; Strip out and refurbishment of the existing office floorspace at Level 40; The conversion of existing car parking to office floorspace at Level 40; The creation of an enlarged roof skylight requiring a new opening through the existing roof slab, along with a new opening through the Level 50 floor slab to create a double-height internal light well; The creation of a consolidated plant enclosure at roof level; The relocation of existing roof level plant to the consolidated plant enclosure, and the removal of redundant plant as required; The relocation of existing telecommunications antennae at roof level; bicycle storage area for staff at level 10 (at the base of existing spiral); Reconfiguration of internal floorspace at Level 10 to create staff lobby area; and all ancillary development, demolition, site works and services.

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Terminal 1


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