To the development description under 04/592 and as extended by 09/394 for a mixed residential/commercial development, Demolition of 1 – 2-storey dwelling, garage & ancillary office, the construction of 260 houses consisting of 12-5 bed d/t dwellings, 27- 4d/t dwellings, 1- relocated d/t dwelling with ancillary office building, 10-4-bed dwellings in terraced format, 210 – 3-bed dwellings in semi-detached and terraced format; total of 36 apartments comprising 3.3-storey apartment blocks consisting of 12-2-bed apts each, construction of 1-2-storey commercial building consisting of 1 ground floor creche (549m) with playground and 1 medical centre (435m) on first floor, construction of 2-storey local neighbourhood centre consisting of bar, 1 convenience outlet (275m), 3-retail service units & standalone 1-storey restaurant (443m), the construction of 56-bed 2-storey guesthouse/travel lodge (2737m), construction of a new roundabout on the N9, signage, bus stop, cycleways & car park, the culverting of the Askea stream for a distance of 150m, attenuation pond, the relocation of existing 38kv overhead ESB line.
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