To carry out the following development which will consist of: (a) 51 no. Residential units comprising of:
(i) 26 no. Two storey 3-bed houses,
(ii) 6 no. 2 storey 4-bed houses;
(iii) 4 no. Two storey duplex units providing 4 no 2 bed and 4 no. 3-bed units;
(iv) 9 no. Single storey 2-bed houses;
(v) 1 no. Single storey 3-bed house;
(vi) 1 no. Single storey 4-bed house; with
(vii) renewable energy design measures for each housing unit; and (b) supporting development works including (i) cutting and filling of land; (ii) underground surface water attenuation; (iii) ESB substation; (iv) temporary construction signage; (v) estate signage; (vi) varied site boundary treatment comprising walls and fencing; and (vii) all associated site works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Clare Granted permission on 11th June 2018 take the free trial here.