The demolition of 95sqm. of unoccupied floor space and the demolition of entrance structures and canopies; the change of use of unoccupied floor space (7,328sqm.) (in addition to part of the existing car park) from retail and related used to education and training use with related ancillary enterprise and innovation uses and ancillary cafe use (140sqm.). The development will also consist of the following: additional floor space at ground level (100sqm.) and at first floor level, within the existing building envelope (2,751sqm.) for education and training use with related ancillary enterprise and innovation uses; bike storage areas (58sqm.); storage area (44sqm.); elevational amendments, including new opes and signage; revised internal layouts; alterations to existing roof profile (without increasing the maximum height of the building); provision of roof plant; new service yard to the south; bus shelter; all hard and soft landscaping; revisions to existing car park; external lighting; boundary treatments; changes to levels; and all associated development above and below ground. The gross floor space of the new educational facility (including ancillary café use and external storage areas) will be 10,281sqm.
To find out more details on this University Development in Limerick Started on 2018-07-05 take the free trial here.