Permission is sought for amendments to a previously permitted development (An Bord Pleanala ref pl 06d.222927) comprising the provision of 30 no. 218 sq. m. 3 storey semi detached houses (approved house type g) in lieu of 30 no. 165 sq. m. 3 storey semi detached houses 1 no. 218 sq. m. 3 storey detached house (approved house type g1) in lieu if 1 no. 165 sq. m. 3 storey detached house and 12 no. 200 sq. m. 3 storey semi detached houses with second floor balconies to front, in lieu of 12 no. 21
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2014-02-27 take the free trial here.