Of planning permission 09/51/0519: Demolition and removal of existing front walls, industrial buildings and associated structures known as Hibernian Meats and Permission for mixed use Neighbourhood Centre to comprise: (a) road access, internal roads/carparking, hard and soft landscaping, perimeter boundary improvements; (b) surface water and foul drainage connections, water supply, piped and cabled services ducting; (c) ESB substation; (d) BUILDING A; neighbourhood convenience shops, other compatible retail shops and associated service yard/loading area/ramp, ground floor office unit, first floor office unit; (e) BUILDING B; ground floor family Restaurant to include takaway and drive-through facilities. Playcentre for children and early teenagers at ground, first and second floor level; (f) BUILDING C; three level Wellness centre – ground floor reception and consulting area, stairwell, service accommodation; first floor consulting room and physiotherapy suite, second floor gymnasium, staff facilities, etc. (g) BUILDING D; two storey own door office/work units with service yard, carparking; (h) landscaped open space/amenity area for residential complement; (i) Thirteen two storey dwellinghouses (two semi detached, two terraces of three and one terrace of five), (j) associated landscaping.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Tipperary Applied for on 2015-03-23 take the free trial here.