Planning permission for amendments to previously permitted development reg. Ref. 4035/16 on a site of c. 0. 5 hectare site located at and to the rear of 84-87, prussia street, stoneybatter, dublin 7. The proposed amendments comprise of alterations to the permitted development of 193 no. Student accommodation bed spaces to consist of revisions to the fenestration to all elevations of permitted blocks b, c, d, e, f, g. The permitted window detail comprises a deep window reveal c. 1m inset into the external facade and this amendment will revise this occurrence in c. 150 student bed spaces throughout the scheme to a typical window detail. The reason for the amendment is for practical maintenance and to ensure residents safety and results in an overall increase to the permitted development floor area of c. 170 sqm.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2019-05-27 take the free trial here.