The development will consist of the construction of 70 detached residential units, each with a detached domestic workshop – the residential units range in size from 173 sq.m to c. 365 sq.m (GFA) comprising twenty 5/6 – bedroom units, thirty-one 4/5 -bedroom units and nineteen 4-bedroom units; the construction of a creche with a GFA of 238.2 sq.m; the provision of site development works including road infrastructure, foul sewer network, surface water sewer network, services provision and landscaping; the construction of a new internal access road forming a junction with the Lucan-Clonee Road; the construction of a new entrance to the adjoining lands to the north; the demolition of two habitable buildings and ancillary buildings;
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 11th November 2015 take the free trial here.