On a site of 0.69 ha at Ballinakill Shopping Centre, Dunmore Road, the construction of two 4 storey apartment buildings with setbacks at third floor level (Block A, 10 no. 1 bed and 20 no. 2 bed units and Block B, 10 no. 1 bed and 20 no. 2 bed units) with a total of 60 no. apartments with access to the development from Ballinakill Downs Access Road. The development also includes for 60 no. car parking spaces, 60 no. bicycle spaces and dedicated bin storage all located at basement level, with the provision of 3 no. accessible car spaces at surface level along, minor modification of existing car park layout associated with Ballinakill Shopping Centre to provide for 22 no. replacement surface car parking spaces for the sole use of the shopping centre and its patrons All with associated private open space, ancillary site development infrastructure including plant rooms, internal roads, footpaths, all landscaping, including open space areas, boundary treatments, all associated engineering and site works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Waterford Granted permission on 2022-01-20 take the free trial here.