PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the erection of a new two storey, flat roofed extension to the east side of the existing Islamic Information Centre, including associated minor internal alterations and the removal of the existing portable Internet Cafe and tree to the east side of the building; the extension of sections of the existing single storey shop and cafe to the rear of the Islamic Information Centre and the provision over of first floor accommodation, with flat roof, comprising 4 no. multi-purpose rooms with associated toilet facilities and escape stairs; the demolition of an existing two storey extension to the rear of the Islamic Information Centre and the erection of a new two storey flat roofed Entrance/Access link comprising access lift and stairs, tea station and recreation space; new external hard landscaping to the existing courtyard and former vehicular entrance together with all associated drainage and site works.
To find out more details on this Church & Community Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2015-04-13 take the free trial here.