Data centre development on a site formerly occupied by Mitsui Denman. The proposed development provides for the construction of 3 no. data centre buildings as one development or in phases. The proposal will modify an existing consent for 3 no. office buildings and access infrastructure at the site consented under 07/12475, as extended under 15/5450, so that one permitted office building is omitted and the permitted access off the R623 is also omitted in favour of a priority junction at the R623 with the permitted remaining offices accessed off the proposed internal access road. The proposed development also includes demolition of existing structures, ancillary services and site works, connections to permitted infrastructure, landscaping and associated boundary treatments, provision of ancillary structures including 3 no. security buildings, 3 no. waste compounds, a utility building, water tank and fencing, ground works with associated localised level changes and car parking.- Extension of duration of permission granted under planning reference: 16/5011.


Plans Applied

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