Planning permission for the construction of a four-storey residential building of 573 sqm to provide 8 number apartments at a vacant site (227 sqm) at 26 New Street South, Dublin 8, to the corner of new street gardens and adjacent to Atkinson house (protected structure).
The development will consist of 5 number one bed apartments and 3 number two bed apartments. The residential building is served by balconies on the east elevations and terraces at 3rd floor to the west. It includes 8 cycle parking spaces and refuse storage located at ground floor level, pedestrian access to new street south with boundary railings and stone plinths, planting and all associated site works.
Construction of a new Four Storey Residential Building of 573 sq,m, to provide 8 Apartments at a vacant site. The works include all mechanical, electrical and lift installation works and all associated external site works
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2019-11-20 take the free trial here.