For the demolition of an existing non-habitable single-storey house, floor area 54m2, the provision of 4 no. commercial units with a total combined area of 683m2 and 41 residential units all contained in 2 separate blocks of accommodation consisting of:
(1) A part 3-storey part 4-storey block with 2 no. commercial units at ground floor level (Unit 1: 218m2 + Unit 2: 145m2) and 13 no. dwelling units comprising 2 no 1-bed units, 9 no. 2-bed units & 2 no. 3-bed units.
(2) A 4-storey block with 2 no. commercial units at ground floor level (Unit 3: 145m2 + Unit 4: 175m2) and 28 no. dwelling units comprising 10 no. 1-bed units & 18 no. 2-bed units. The development shall also include 65 no. car parking spaces provided at lower ground floor level with access via proposed upgrade of existing vehicular access from An tSraid Mhor, to include new signal controls, road markings and pedestrian crossings. Proposed boundary treatment to include new retaining works and alterations to the existing stone wall on Main Street, hard and soft landscaping works, water supply and drainage installations including diversion of existing foul sewer.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Applied for on 2021-06-22 take the free trial here.