Permission for development on a site c. 1.56ha, for the construction of 67 no. Dwelling units (within 9 no. Blocks ranging in height from 1-4 storeys) comprising of 23 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 13 no. 2 bedroom apartments; 14 no. 2 bedroom duplex units; 7 no. 3 bedroom duplex units and 1 no. 4 bedroom duplex units; 4 no. 1 bedroom houses and 5 no. 3 bedroom houses. Total residential gross floor area c. 5522. 2sq. M. New vehicular and pedestrian accesses via the dublin road to the south-west and glenwood to the north, new pedestrian access via rockfield to the north-east and glenwood to the north; all associated site development works, services provision, car parking, cycle parking, bin stores, open space, vehicular/pedestrian access, landscaping and boundary treatment works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Applied for on 2019-05-31 take the free trial here.