1. The change of use from vacant residential on the First Floor to Exhibition Rooms and associated facilities for public use, together with associated internal and external renovation works, 2. The provision of a new internal lift to server the basement / lower ground floor, upper ground floor and first floors, together with a new plant room and external plant room door to be provided at basement / lower ground floor level,
3. The change of use and renovation to part of the existing vacant basement / lower ground floors to form new ancillary circulation, toilet and plant room uses associated with the proposed exhibition spaces located on upper ground and first floor levels, together with provision of 2 no. new external door openings at the basement / lower ground floor levels,
4. The change of use, together with the internal and external renovation of the existing single storey outhouse in the farmyard complex to form a new ticket office,
5. new paved path at ticket office, and 2 No. new ticket office signs,
6. all associated site works and services. Doneraile Court House which is a state Protected Structure.
To find out more details on this Public Building Development in Cork Applied for on 2019-02-05 take the free trial here.