Development at a 2.70 hectare site at Cells P13-P15, Belmaybe, Balgriffin, Dublin 17 on a site bounded to the west by Belmayne Avenue and partly to the north by Parkside Boulevard. The site is bounded by development lands to the east and south. The proposed development comprises of the development of 71 no. residential units which range in height from 2-3 storeys. The development comprises 56 no. terraced, 10 no. semi-detached, and 5 no. detached units and a mix of 28 no. 3 bed units and 43 no. 4 bed units. The proposed development includes all associated and ancillary works including the provision of a landscaped open space area, 159 no. residential car parking spaces, landscaping and boundary treatment, the provision of an attenuation area to the north of Parkside Boulevard and foul water drainage infrastucture. The total gross floor area of the proposed development is 9364 sq.m. Vehicular access to the site will be from Belmayne Avenue and from the development site to the east.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2017-01-18 take the free trial here.