Notice is hereby given that the Council proposes to carry out works consisting of:
The construction of 62 no. Social Housing Dwellings of 2 and 3 storeys in height consisting of 12 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 36 no. 2 bedroom apartments, 10 no. 3 bedroom duplex apartments, 2 no. 3 bedroom houses and 2 no. 4 bedroom duplex apartments with associated ancillary car parking spaces, 2 new vehicular estate roads accessed from Robbers Lane, junction upgrades at Church Hill/Robbers Lane/Treacy Avenue (Post Office junction), road widening of Robbers Lane adjacent to development site, diversion of and connection to existing foul and surface water network, on site surface water attenuation system, partially culverting existing stream and a new surface water overflow pond.
The construction of 2 no. Multi Use Games Areas (pitches) and a Children’s playpark.
All associated landscaping and site development works are included. The site is located at Robbers Lane, Maugheraboy Townland, Sligo.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Sligo Applied for on 2021-08-24 take the free trial here.