A residential development of 743 no. dwellings including a neighbourhood centre of 1,859.2sq.m. and a creche of 846sq.m., at Ballynakelly and Newcastle South, Newcastle-Lyons, Co Dublin. An eight year planning permission is sought. The development comprises of the following: 78 no. 2 bedroom houses; 209 no. 3 bedroom houses; 27 no. 4 bedroom houses; 10 no. 5 bedroom houses; 5 no. apartment blocks containing 7 no. 1 bed apartments, 20 no. 2 bed apartments, 12 no. 3 bed apartment, 4 no. 2 bed duplex units and 2 no. 3 bed duplex units; 57 no. duplex blocks containing 48 no. 2 bedroom duplex units, 151 no. 3 bed duplex units, 52 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 123 no. 2 bedroom apartments. The neighbourhood centre comprises of 5 no. retail units from 69sq.m., 84sq.m., 90.5sq.m., 101sq.m. and 134sq.m.; public house measuring 935.4sq.m., off licence measuring 189sq.m. and restaurant measuring 255sq.m.; the proposed development also provides for 4.155ha of public open space including the provision of a landscaped area adjoining the Tower House on the Athgoe Road; roads infrastructure including 3 no. junctions with Newcastle-Lyons Main Street (R120 Rathcoole Road) and 1 no. junction with Athgoe Road; on and off street car parking; and provision of lands for a traveller accommodation site measuring 0.5 ha; on an overall site of 22.789 hectares; planning permission is also sought for the demolition of 2 no. habitable dwellings. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 10th September 2014 take the free trial here.

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Houses New Build in Dublin

Ballynakelly and Newcastle South

Plans Granted

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