Planning permission for development on this site of 0.27 ha area approximately, at Molyneux Home, Leeson Park, Dublin 6 (Protected Structure – RPS Ref. 4348). The development will consist of: the change of use of the existing three storey former institutional building to residential use (1,110 sq m approximately) including the internal refurbishment and reconfiguration of the existing structure with revised internal layout to form 10 no. apartment units (9 no. 2 bedroom units within the existing Molyneux Home building and with 1 no. 1 bedroom unit within a re-configured adjoining outbuilding) with concierge facilities; the demolition of 14 sq m of substandard building fabric to be replaced with a two storey extension to the south-east of the existing building (12 sq m); the removal of 2 no. existing late 20th century fire escape structures on the north-eastern and south-western facades of the building; the demolition of the existing caretakers bungalow to the south-east of the site (86 sq m); the provision of a new accessible entrance at lower ground floor level to the north-western façade of the building in the existing courtyard with the replacement of an existing elevator within the foyer with a new glass elevator. The development also includes the repointing and repair of the existing external stonework; repair and refurbishment works to the roof, chimneys, rainwater goods and windows of the Protected Structure; the removal of guarding bars to windows at lower ground-floor level; the provision of 11 no. residents surface car parking spaces (with 1 no. mobility impaired space to be provided) and 2 no. secure car parking barriers located to the west of the building; secure cycle parking facilities, garden and bin stores; changes in level; the provision of ground floor communal open space; landscaping and boundary treatments; attenuation tank; piped infrastructure (including a French drain) and ducting; removal of existing storage tanks to the south of the building; the removal of all existing surface car parking other than the proposed resident parking and all associated site excavation and development works above and below ground. No changes are proposed to the existing access arrangements to the site as a part of this development.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2019-06-26 take the free trial here.

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Apartments Alterations in Dublin

Molyneux Home

Plans Applied

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