Erection of 74 no. two-storey houses and 5 no. detached domestic garages comprising 12 no. 4 bed detached houses, 20 no. 4 bed semi-detached houses, 4 no. 3 bed semi-detached houses, 30 no. 3 bed terrace houses and 8 no. 2 bed terrace houses in a variety of house types. Permission also sought for site entrance onto public road, new internal service roads, footpaths and gross margins, associated landscaping, public lighting and open space, connections to public services to include for upgrading of foul sewer pumping station, provision of ESB sub-station and all ancillary and associated site works. The development will be carried out on a phased basis in 3 stages. Phase One will consist of the following; 5 no. 4 bed detached houses each with detached domestic garage and 1 no. 4 bed detached house with attached garage, 10 no. 4 bed semi-deatched houses and 4 no. 3 bed terrace houses. Phase One will also include for the provision of public open space area to serve the development, connections to public services to include for upgrading of foul sewer pumping station, provision of ESB sub-station and all ancillary and associated site works. Previous file reference numbers KA/60302 and KA/120200.