When complete, Clonburris will deliver more than 9,000 new homes for up to 23,000 new residents, including a substantial number of social and affordable new homes. Clonburris lands span 280 hectares (690 acres), and are located between Lucan, Clondalkin and Liffey Valley.
The new town will include significant social amenities, community and civic space as well as retail and commercial hubs. There will be school places for over 2,500 students, creches with over 900 childcare spaces, 90 hectares of parks, 12.5km of walkways and cycleways and the new town will be serviced by two train stations on the Dart + South West line. All residents will live within walking distance of vibrant village centres and a major urban park in what will be Ireland’s newest town.
The public realm to be created at Clonburris will be critical in place making and ensuring that pedestrians and cyclists have maximum access to a range of local facilities and amenities. Convenient and attractive routes will connect the area to surrounding neighbourhoods and villages, and the wider South Dublin County beyond. The careful consideration of development adjacent to the Canal side setting and Griffeen Valley Park will make Clonburris an amenity destination in South Dublin County.
The key overarching principles for the proposed development are:
To avail of a unique opportunity to create a multi-faceted new
community in South Dublin County, promoting best practice in place making and sustainable development, cognisant of the existing centres and communities of Adamstown, Lucan, Clondalkin and Liffey Valley;
To realise the optimum development of the SDZ area with a target of 8,437 new homes offering a choice of dwelling types, sizes and tenure options;
To set out a masterplan for the SDZ lands which addresses the delivery of new community facilities and supporting infrastructure and to outline how they will be delivered;
To ensure that measures to support the sustainable development of the SDZ lands as detailed in the accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report, and associated environmental assessments are applied and adhered to in the Planning Scheme implementation;
To develop the SDZ in a manner that maximises existing and proposed public transport opportunities, including high quality rail and bus services, and supports these opportunities with an integrated network of streets and routes with a clear hierarchy that promote walking and cycling;
To direct land-uses and densities across the SDZ lands in a manner that creates a sustainable urban district that is based on the integration of land-use and transport planning;
To ensure that development across the SDZ lands is carried out in a design led manner that prioritises place making and accords with the core principles of urban design and the creation of integrated streets;
To develop vibrant mixed use centres around Clonburris and Kishoge railway stations as part of a hierarchy of urban centres to serve Clonburris;
To support the provision of attractive retail floorspace at Clonburris and Kishoge Urban Centres to contribute to the creation of active mixed use centres;
To support and facilitate growth of the local economy and promote the Planning Scheme as a location for employment;
To facilitate the balanced provision of community facilities
and services for the residents of Clonburris to promote health and wellbeing, social inclusion and quality of life;
To maximise appropriate access to and use of the Grand Canal, Griffeen Valley Park and other biodiversity assets in an ecologically sensitive way, thereby offering unique selling points to the SDZ Planning Scheme;
To deliver a network of high quality green and blue infrastructure spaces and public parks while protecting, enhancing and sensitively upgrading the natural, built and cultural assets of Clonburris lands;
To provide attractive, interesting and well used outdoor spaces using the latest place making and urban design principles, creating a pedestrian-centred environment with active, inviting public space, parks and private gardens;
To retain and enhance architectural heritage and archaeological heritage features, sites and structures within the SDZ lands by encouraging conservation and incorporation including adaptive re-use, where appropriate, within the built fabric and landscape of the SDZ Lands;
To prioritise the delivery of high quality services, utilities
infrastructure, and sustainable urban surface water
To pioneer the development of energy networks at the Clonburris and Kishoge urban centres, and explore potential for other low carbon energy opportunities at Clonburris; and
To ensure that the phasing and implementation of the SDZ occurs at a pace whereby it is supported by all necessary supporting community facilities, services, infrastructure and amenities, in order to ensure that place making is prioritised.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-08-17 take the free trial here.