Modifications to the existing granted planning permission pl. ref. no. 18/1033 to include the following:
(a) An increase in the total number of residential units being provided from 73 to 81.
(b) The omission of the following previously granted house types:•4 bed dual aspect detached 2 storey house type A;•5 bed detached 3 storey (converted attic) house type B;•5 bed semi-detached 3 storey (converted attic) house type B1/B2;•5 bed dual aspect semi-detached 3 storey (converted attic) house types B3/B4; and •4 bed detached 2 storey house type D.
(c) The addition of the following new house types:•4 bed mid-terrace 2 storey house type D3;•3 bed end-terrace 2 storey house type E4;•3 bed mid-terrace 2 storey house type E5; and •3 bed dual aspect detached 2 storey house type L;•3 bed semi-detached 2 storey house type L1;•3 bed dual aspect semi-detached 2 storey house type L2;•3 bed end-terrace 2 storey house type L3;• 2 bed dual aspect end-terrace 2 storey house type M1;•2 bed mid terrace 2 storey house type M2; and • 2 bed dual aspect end-terrace 2 storey house type M3.
(d) As a result of the house type omissions and additions, the proposed 81 no. residential units are broken down as follows:•4 no. 4 bed semi-detached 2 storey house types D1/D2;•1 no. 4 bed mid-terrace 2 story house types D3;•12 no. 3 bed semi-detached 2 storey house types E1/E2;•6 no. 3 bed semi-detached/terraced 2 storey house types E3/E4/E5;•2 no. 2 bed semi-detached 2 storey house types F1/F2;•8 no. 3 bed terraced 2 storey house types G1/G2/G3/G4;•24 no. 2 bed terraced 2 storey house types H1/H2/H3/H4;•2 no. 3 bed dual aspect end-terrace house types J1/J4;• 2 no. 3 bed mid terrace house types J2/J3;•10 no. 1 bed maisonette types K1/K2; (1 storey per unit in 2 storey building);•1 no. 3 bed dual aspect detached 2 storey house type L;•2 no. 3 bed semi-detached 2 storey house type L1;•2 no. 3 bed dual aspect semi-detached 2 storey house type L2;•1 no. 3 bed end terrace 2 storey house type L3;•2 no. 2 bed dual aspect end-terrace 2 storey house type M1;•1 no. 2 bed mid-terrace 2 storey house type M2; and•1 no. 2 bed dual aspect end-terrace 2 storey house type M3.
(e) All associated site development works. Please note that the proposed site entrance, internal road layout, public open space areas, public footpaths & cycle path, landscaping, public lighting and foul and surface water treatment proposals all remain unchanged as per the details of the development granted under pl. Ref no. 18/1033
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2019-12-19 take the free trial here.