Amendments to a partly constructed residential scheme known as hazelbrook rise at ballybeg, rathnew, co. Wicklow. The development will include the construction of 2 no. Blocks (block 32 and bloke 34) in lieu of the previously permitted 2. 5 storey creche building, 3 storey apartment building m (comprising 3 no. 2 bedroom apartments) and 2 no. Type c 2 storey 3 bed dwellings. The proposed block 32 will comprise a 2 storey childcare facility building of c. 368sqm. The proposed block 34 (3 storeys) will comprise 4 no. Apartments to include 2 no. 1 bed apartments at ground floor, 2 no. 2 bed duplex units at first and second floor with balconies / terraces to the north, east and south elevations. The proposed development will also include 26 no. Car parking spaces, landscaping, shared open space, associated site layout amendment works and site services. The site forms part of a permitted development of 154 no. Dwellings and a childcare facility (reg ref 06/6163 & 12/6534 & 17/1


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