PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Permission is sought for new 5 storey over basement 15 unit / 22 bed aparthotel comprising 1 no 1 bed units, 8no 1 bed studios, 3no 2 bed units, 1no 3 bed unit, 2no 2 bed accessible units, foyer, plant room and staff facilities. The development includes 5 storey new build construction over new basement to south of site, change of use and refurbishment of existing 3 storey over basement protected structure to north of site and addition of 2no new floors over. Works to the existing building comprise demolition of modern rear ground floor and first floor extensions and 2 no 3 storey rear returns, and rear garden walls. Opening up of existing east light well to front, removal of existing steps to west light well for new metal steps, opening up of existing blocked up opes to basement elevation, reduction in level of existing basement floor including underpinning to existing walls, removal of existing temporary structural propping for new structure including repairs to facade, new entrance ramp and new shopfront new glass balustrade to east light well, repairs to railing of west lightwell, new timber sliding sash windows to front elevation, upgrade to all floors, refurbishment of existing stairs including removal of steps to ground floor, refurbishment of door and window cases and installation of new to match, removal of existing modern roof for new including terraces at third and fourth floors, removal of existing west chimney from roof level and associated site works to a terraced 3 storey over basement protected structure.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin take the free trial here.