Permission for modifications to Apartment Block B of the residential development permitted under Reg. Ref.: SD15A/0017 & ABP Ref. PL06S.244732, amended under Reg. Ref.: SD18A/0020. The modifications consist of the following: (1) Reconfiguration and alterations to the permitted third floor level to provide 2 additional residential units, Units 312 and 313, resulting in the provision of 2 1-bed units and 6 2-bed units at third floor level. The residential gross floor area at the third floor level increases from 661 sqm to 748 sqm. (2) The provision of an additional floor (proposed at fourth floor level) to provide 6 no. additional residential units (6 2-bed units) with a GFA of 661 sqm. (3) The proposed modifications and additional storey for Apartment Block B increases the number of units from 30 to 38 units, includes associated alterations to the elevations and associated site development works. (4) Alterations to the permitted parking layout at surface level including the provision of 10 additional car parking spaces. (5) The total gross floor area of Apartment Block B will increase from 3,767sq.m to 4,515sqm.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 31st August 2020 take the free trial here.