The construction of 99 no. Two-storey dwellings comprising of 4 no. One-bedroom apartments (type a), 16 no. Two-bedroom terraced units (type b), 26 no. Three-bedroom terraced units (type c), 26 no. Thee-bedroom semi-detached corner units (type d), 10 no. Three-bedroom semi-detached units (type e), 6 no. Four-bedroom semi-detached units (type f), 3 no. Four-bedroom detached units (type g) and 8 no. Four-bedroom detached corner units (type h). Each house to include option for solar panel on rear roofslope. The development will also include the provision of private amenity space, 202 on-site parking spaces, including 7 no. Visitor parking spaces, landscaped public open space, associated boundary treatments, street lighting, foul and suds drainage, foul pumping station, esb medium voltage substation and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development. The application is accompanied by a natura impact statement.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Meath Applied for on 2019-06-19 take the free trial here.