Permission for: 1. The Change of Use of light industrial building (1,485 sqm) to motor sales outlet and showroom with ancillary offices. 2. Internal alterations on ground floor, including provision of diagnostic and repair areas, sales offices, reception and toilets. 3. External improvements and alterations to all elevations, including new delivery exist with roll-up door on side/north-eastern elevation, replacement windows with glazing and double glazed doors on front/north-western elevation. 4. New external illuminated building signage on front/north-western elevation (9.7 sqm). 5. New freestanding illuminated totem sign (9.4 sqm) on western section of site. 6. Reconfiguration of existing surface car park (currently providing 21 no. spaces) to provide for 21 no. spaces including 2 no. disabled spaces. 7. Landscaping and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development.

To find out more details on this Car Showroom Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2017-02-17 take the free trial here.

Unit 92 Bracken Road

Plans Granted

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