Extension of Duration Parent Ref: (071399) (P)mixed-use development on a site comprising 15.53ha.
The development will comprise a neighbourhood centre comprising 2 no.four and five storey over basement blocks with a six storey corner element and providing for 8 no.ground floor retail units with a total gross floor area of 1,104sqm; 1 no.supermarket at ground floor with a gross floor area of 440sqm; 17 no. offices with a total of 1,313sqm of gross floor space at first floor level; a medical centre of 361sqm at first floor;2 no.creches of 180sqm and 153sqm at first floor each with associated play areas at first floor;2no.cafe/ bars of 218 and 195 sqm at ground level and 70 no.residential units comprising (8no. 1 bedroom units,8no.2 bed units, 43 no.2 bedroom duplex units and 11 no.3 bedroom apartments)at second to sixth floor level with associated shared private open space, balconies and terraces;

129no.car parking spaces,bin store area,bicycle parking areas at basement level and 51no.surface parking spaces.The development will also provide for 598no.residential units comprising: 28no.3 bedroom 2 storey terraced houses (types A1, A2, A3) amd 61no. 4 bedroom 3 storey terraced houses (types A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9);17no. 4 bedroom detached houses (type B); 6no. 3 bedroom duplex units and 4no. 2 bedroom duplex units in 2no. four storey blocks (type C); 25no. 4 bedroom three storey terraced houses and 4no. 4 bedroom three storey semi-detached houses (type D1) and 10no.4 bedroom three storey terraced houses (type D2); 14no.4 bedroom 3 storey semi-detached houses (type E); 3no.3 bedroom two storey detached houses (type F1) and 32no.3 bedroom two storey semi-detached houses (type F2);

30no.1 bedroom plus study apartment units; 27no. 2 bedroom duplexunits; 63no. 3 bedroom duplex units in 21no.3 storey blocks (type G); 136no. 3 bedroom duplex units in 11no. four storey blocks (type H); 10no.2 bedroom apartments in 1no. five storey block (typeJ); 100no.2 bedroom two storey terraced houses (type K); 14no.2 bedroom apartments and 14no.4 bedroom duplex apartments in 3no. storey blocks (type M); 962no. surface car parking spaces. Planning permission is also sought for all associated infrastructure and site development works including internal roads, bin storage and bicycle parking areas, landscaping including the provision of open space and boundary treatments. Planning permission is also sought for the erection of a temporary dual frontage sign of 8sqm fronting onto Ballymakenny Road.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Granted permission on 2018-09-04 take the free trial here.

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Mixed Development New Build in Louth

West of Ballymakenny Road

Plans Granted

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