Change of house type designs and layout for certain houses granted under permission register reference 05/300070, which was for construction of 100 houses and a crèche. It is proposed to change the houses on sites 2-13, 38-45 and 62-65 from Type E, 2- storey 3 bedroom terraced houses to modified Type E2, two – storey 3- bedroom terraced house type. It is also proposed to omit 8 houses on sites 50-57, currently Type D and E1, 2-storey 3- bedroom houses and replace them with 7 no. type A & A1 (mid terrace), 2 storey 3 bedroom houses in two blocks of 2 semi-detached and one block of 3 terraced houses and associated site works. No change to roads or services layouts. Overall reduction of one house in the full scheme.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Started on 2019-08-19 take the free trial here.