The development will consist of 86 dwellings comprising; block a: 7 no. 4-bedroom terraced houses (2 storey to front; 3 storey to rear with balcony); block b: 5 no. 4-bedroom terraced houses (2 storey to front; 2 storey to rear with balcony); block d 11 no. 3-bedroom terraced houses (2 storey to front; 2 sotrey to rear); block e1: a three storey building with 8 no. Ground floor 3 bedroom duplex units with private gardens to rear and 8 no. 3 bedroom duplex units over with private balconies to both front and rear; block e2: a three storey building with 10 no. Ground floor 3-bedroom duplex units with private gardens to rear and 10 no. 3 bedroom duplex units over with private balconies to both front and rear, block f: one 3 storey building with 7 no. Ground floor 3-bedroom duplex units with private gardens to rear and 7 no. 2-bedroom apartments over with private balconies to front; block g an apartment building (3 storey to front; 4 storey to rear) containing 3 no. 3-bedroom apartments and 3 no. 2 bedroom apartments with private balconies to each unit to front; Block H: 7 no. 4 bedroom terraced houses (3 storey to front; 2 storey to rear); 129 surface level car parking spaces and all associated roads, services and landscaping works including a combined ESB substation and bin store building. The main site entrance will be located along Coosan Point Road. Provision will also be made for a 2 storey creche facility (453sqm) located with an independent access off Coosan Point Road and 6 no. associated additional car parking spaces.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Westmeath Started on 2019-07-26 take the free trial here.