(1) refurbishment, part demolition, conversion, extension and change of use of existing stable blocks serving clone house guesthouse (granted permission under reg ref 977216) to create 6 no one to three bedroom two storey self catering guesthouse accommodation units with 2 no new rooflights to units 5 and 6 and a 430 sqm single storey venue building, including bar area, kitchen and toilets, for seated social functions of approx. 120 people.
(2) a new 184 sqm single storey dwelling and internal access road to serve as the applicants primary residence.
(3) a new vehicular entrance.
(4) an additional wastewater treatment system to that granted under planning permission reg ref 97/7216.
(5) 49 car parking spaces provided in revised and new parking areas and (6) associated site works including landscaping, all on site of c 1. 98 hectares (protected structure rps 39-02).

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Clone House

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