IMRF II Frascati Limited Partnership acting through its general partner Davy IMRF II GP Limited, seek planning permission for a strategic housing development at the Frascati Centre, Frascati Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin (formerly known as Frascati Shopping Centre).

The proposal relates to alterations to the Phase 1 permission for 45 no. apartments (Reg. Ref.: D17A/0950 & ABP Ref.: 300745-18), from second to fourth floor level of the rejuvenated Frascati Centre. The proposed development also includes the provision of 57 no. additional apartments, as an extension of the Phase 1 permission, located above the existing / permitted podium car park to the north west of the centre, as a Phase 2 residential development. The subject application therefore relates to a total of 102 no. residential units.

The proposed alterations to the 45 no. apartments (Block A and B) and associated development, permitted under the Phase 1 residential development, includes the following:

Internal rationalisation of the permitted units, including changes in overall unit size and internal layouts, and associated external alterations including the provision of winter gardens.
Provision of an external walkway connection between the Phase 1 and Phase 2 residential blocks at second floor level.
The refuse, car and cycle parking facilities permitted at lower ground floor level will be altered to cater for the additional residential units, including the introduction of a barrier control system.
The main entrance to the Phase 1 residential scheme from Frascati Road will serve both the permitted and proposed units.
A concierge facility room to serve the overall residential development is proposed at second floor level near the main core of Phase 1, with an associated minor reduction in the area of the permitted communal terrace at second floor level.
The communal open space for Phase 1 and 2 will be accessible to all residents.
Alterations to the cycle parking provision at lower ground floor / basement level and at the first-floor level podium car park.
The Phase 2 proposal consists of 20 no. studios, 22 no. 1 beds and 15 no. 2 beds (57 no. apartments) in three no. blocks (Block D, E & F), arranged around a central communal courtyard space, above the existing and permitted podium car park to the north west of the centre. Block D is a five storey block, Block E is a part two to part four storey block and Block F is a part two to part three storey block, all above three levels of podium / basement car park. Balconies / winter gardens are provided to all apartments (on the north western, north eastern, south western elevations and into the internal courtyard) and access to the blocks is via stair / lift cores and an external walkway fronting the communal courtyard. A roof terrace is also proposed at fifth floor level of Block E.

The proposal includes the allocation of 57 no. car parking spaces at lower ground floor level and 214 no. bicycle parking spaces at lower ground and surface level for the 102 no. residential units. The proposal includes alterations to existing surface car parking to provide additional landscaping and bicycle spaces, a bin storage area and stair / lift cores are proposed within the existing / permitted basement / podium car parks below the Phase 2 residential units, and the proposal includes all associated ancillary site development works. The proposal also includes alterations to the location of 30 no. permitted cycle parking spaces associated with the rejuvenation of the Frascati Centre, Reg. Ref.: D14A/0134, as amended.

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Frascati Road

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