Construction of four buildings ranging in height from four to five storeys over basement on a site measuring 1. 23 hectares. It will contain 104 no. Apartments (20 no. 1-bed, 76 no 2-bed, 8 no 3-bed) and 1536 sqm of commercial space including a creche (256 sqm) sports facility (295sqm), offices, own-door commercial units and ancillary spaces. Provision is made for the installation of photovoltaic /solar panels on the roof of each building. Communial open space is provided at ground level and at 2no. Raised landscaped areas at first floor level. The application also includes 148 no. Car parking spaces and 249 no. Bicycle spaces at basement level, 70 no. Car parking spaces and 19 no. Bicycle spaces at surface level, 2 no vehicular entrances off metges road, an esb substation, associated ancillary site development works including foul and surface water drainage, public lighting, footpath, cycle path, boundary treatments and hard and soft landscaping. The application contqains a statement

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