For development comprising 148 no. Residential units ( 60 no. Detached houses, 82 no. Semi-detached houses, 6 no. Terrace houses ), ancillary surface car parking; provision of a creche, ancillary outdoor play area, staff car parking and drop-off zone; vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access to the proposed development via a new junction on circular road ( r474) and all associated access works thereto on the public road network; pedestrian and cycle link to adjoining lands to the south; traffic calming measures on circular road ( r474); connection to existing public water supply; surface water drainage services including the provision of a surface water attenuation pond and treatment of surface waters prior to outfall; proposed foul drainage network to include construction of a foul water pumping station with emergency storage and rising main with discharge to the public foul sewer at cahercalla road; connection of existing dwellings on circular road to the foul drainage network.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Clare take the free trial here.