The development will consist of minor modifications to existing permitted scheme (DCC Ref. 3604/08ext) for the construction of 7 three storey over basement dwellings to include:
House 1 – Curved bay window changed to square; set back of dormer to roof line; size reduction of first floor window to rear elevation; Reduction of height of first floor side projecting bay; Lower ridge height increased to match main roof.
House 2 – Omission of 3 windows to ground & first floor; Size reduction of second floor window to rear elevation; Omission of rear clerestory window; Dormer window added to front elevation to serve ensuite bathroom; single storey rear return increased in height by 750mm.
House 3 – Omission of roof light; Omission of 3 windows to ground & first floor; Size reduction of second floor window to rear elevation; Omission of rear clerestory window; single storey rear return increased in height by 750mm.
House 4 -Omission of rear clerestory window; Side return ridge height increase to match main roof; single storey rear return increased in height by 750mm.
House 5 – Omission of window to first floor rear elevation; Single storey rear return increased in height by 750mm, material changed to brick,
omission of rear clerestory window; Window added to rear elevation. House 6 – Change of door to window / window to door ground floor rear elevation.
House 7 – Omission of side clerestory window; Set back of dormer to roof line; Change of door to window ground floor rear elevation; Conservation roof light added to side elevation. Ground floor window added to side elevation.
Generally – Omission of all side windows to dormers; South stone boundary wall increased to 2.6m high for a length of 43m to match existing; 2.9m high metal palisade fence to west boundary to be replaced with 2.6m high brick boundary wall.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2019-03-07 take the free trial here.