Construction of 11 no. Dwellings comprising of 2 no. 4 bedroom 2 storey detached houses on site 1 Ashewood Green and site 20 Ashewood Place respectively (previous permission da/50550), 6 no. 3 bedroom 2 storey semi-detached houses on sites 5-10 incl. And 3 no. 3 bedroom 2 storey terraced houses on sites 11-13 incl. Ashewood lawn (previous permission da/803308), completion of estate road by c. 2m to the south to serve the proposed 9 houses (sites 5-13 incl. Ashewood lawn). All site development works which were previously approved under planning permission da/50550 were installed in accordance with mcc standards for taking in charge and completed and in-situ since 2006/2007 all.
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