Permission for development will consist of the construction of 15 no. 1-2 storey residential dwellings in a mixture of detached, semi-detached and terraced form. The development also provides for all associated site development works including alterations to ground levels, internal road(s), car parking, footpaths, open space, public lighting, landscaping and boundary treatments. The site includes an area of land which forms part of a site with extant planning permission for residential development and which was permitted under p. A. Ref no. 07/156 (an bord pleanala reference pl55. 227284) and extended under p. A. Ref. No. 13/520069 and which is now under construction. Vehicular access will be from a permitted access off upper point road and via internal access roads all permitted under p. A. Ref. No. 07/156 (an bord pleanala reference pl55. 227284) extended under p. A. Ref. No. 13/520069.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Started on 2018-08-28 take the free trial here.