Development consisting of 10 mixed-use residential/commerical units. Development is part of an extension of duration refrence number: 03 1754. The development will consist of the construction of a residential & mixed-use (retail/comm./residential) development consisting of 1,450 dwellings, comprising 779 houses., 285 apartments. in 28 no. 3 storey blocks, 76 no. commercial units comprising offices, financial institution retail units, minimarket, 1 pub & retaurant, 1 creche, 1 community facility centre.

Also including a reserved site for primary school, 5 reserved sites for creches & the construction of the proposed distributor road to be located to the west of the site, to be constructed from the Clermont Rd. to the Marlbog Rd. & all associated site works with vehicular access provided by the Clermont Rd, Marlbog Rd, Dublin Rd & proposed distributor Rd for 1 no. dormer hse from Chapel Rd. pumping station, outfall foul and surface water sewers, landscaping, boundary treatment, open spaces, surface & underground car parking & demolition of agri buildings

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Started on 2018-08-29 take the free trial here.

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Mixed Development New Build in Louth



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