The development will consist of: the demolition of the existing c. 370sqm two storey Dublin Simon community building in the eastern portion of the subject site (nos. 20-22, island street) to provide for an extension to the permitted medical residential treatment and recovery centre (DCC reg. Ref. 3084/17, ABP Ref. Pl 29s. 249110). The proposed extension to the permitted facilities will comprise a six storey building which will connect to the permitted facilities at levels 2-5, allowing for gated vehicular and pedestrian access from island street to the viking harbour courtyard to the rear. The proposed extension will have a maximum overall height of c. 26. 06m od and a total gross floor area of c. 1,151. 7sqm. The total floor area of the permitted facility and proposed extension will be c. 5,304sqm. The extension and amendments proposed by the subject planning application will deliver an additional 30 no. Bedrooms, resulting in an overall total of 100 no. Bedrooms between the permitted
To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Applied for on 2018-12-13 take the free trial here.