Planning permission for a residential development of 94 no. Apartments (and a ground floor cafe of c. 67 sq. M) all on a c. 0.38-hectare site.

The proposed development will consist of:

1) Demolition of existing 6 no. Two storey dwellings and ancillary structures;

2) Construction of a residential development of 94 no. Apartment comprising 15 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 62 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 17 no. 3 bedroom apartments (all apartments to have balconies or roof terraces), with an overall height of 7 storeys (over basement/part second basement level) at junction of Eglinton road and donnybrook road, reducing in height to 5 and 4 storeys along Eglinton road and (5-7 storeys) along donnybrook road, and 3 storeys along Brookvale road.

3) Provision of ancillary areas (residents meeting room/lounge with terrace, management area) at ground floor level;

4) Ground floor cafe of c. 67 sq, m at ground floor level onto donnybrook road with terrace and signage zone of c. 2 sq. M);

5) Vehicular access will be provided from Brookvale Road into basement levels which will provide 100 no. car parking spaces (including car stacker system), 5 no. motorcycle spaces and 94 no. cycle spaces and all ancillary areas (to include plant, storage and attenuation);

6) The development includes all associated site development works, hard and soft landscaping (to include 20 no. cycle spaces at ground floor level) and all other ancillary works to include a provision of an internal communal landscaped open space area at ground floor and deck area at fourth floor level on western boundary;

7) Provision of hoarding around site boundary (with scheme advertisement zone c. 302.25 sq. m along Eglinton Road and Donnybrook Road) during construction phase.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2019-01-22 take the free trial here.

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Apartments New Build in Dublin

Site Located At Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11, Eglinton Road

Plans Granted

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