Protected structure: permission for the construction of a 23 bedroom boutique hotel with meeting rooms and ancillary spaces, consisting of one reconstructed four-storey over basement building and one new three storey over basement building with set-back penthouse and balcony (total 1040 sqm); with garden, roof-light to basement, and glazed link between the two buildings at lane level; and connected by a common basement on the site 36 Harcourt Street (a protected structure), Dublin 2 /36 Camden Place, Dublin 2. The entire building at 36 Harcourt Street, was demolished more than seven years ago, except for the front facade which will be retained and repaired.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Started on 8th February 2018 take the free trial here.

36 Harcourt Street And 36 Camden Place


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