To build 19 houses (no. 90 to 105 and no. 120 & 121) _ consisting of 3 & 4 bedrooms, two storey, semi-detached and detached house and 2 bedrooms two storey, terraced houses. Also planning permission for alterations to planning ref. 16/675 to build house no. 127 _ two storey 4 bedrooms detached house (one house in lieu of the previously omitted houses 122 & 123 _ dotted on layout plan), a relocation of houses 128 & 129 and a modification to the layout of the road no. 7, 7a and 7b (previously permissioned under planning ref. No. 16/675 – phase 3), together with all associated site development works and all associated services, installation _ extension from and connection to the services of the already permission (built and/or under construction) phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 of the cluain larach estate. This application to form phase 4 of their housing development
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