(1) demolition of existing single storey discount foodstore (with ancillary off-licence use) measuring 1758sq. M gross floor space with a net retail sales area of 1286sq. M; (2) two storey mono-pitch discount foodstore (with ancillary off-licence use) measuring 2144sq. M gross floor space with a net retail sales area of 1400sq. M; (3) redevelopment/reconfiguration of existing site layout and car parking; (4) provision of free standing and building mounted signage, free standing trolley bay and enclosure, hard and soft landscaping, public lighting, electric vehicle charging points, roof mounted solar panels, roof mounted refrigeration and air conditioning plant and equipment, surface water attenuation, cycle parking, boundary treatments, connections to services and all other associated and ancillary development and works above and below ground level.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2019-11-05 take the free trial here.