Permission for development in respect of A) Variation of previously permitted development as granted under PA Ref 04/14451 (the appropriate period of which was extended under PA Ref 12/75). The revised development will consist of the construction of 212 no dwellings (reduced from 235 dwellings as permitted) comprising 2 no terraced blocks each consisting of 5 no units, 4 no terraced blocks each consisting of 6 no units 2 no terraced blocks each consisting of 5 apartments & 1 no duplex unit, 50 no 3 bedroom semi-detached dwellings & 2 no apartment blocks each consisting of 1 o apartment & 1 no duplex. Outline Permission for development in respect of B) a two storey 80 no bed nursing home with associated car parking, landscaping maintenance shed & boundary walls/ fencing. The development provides for all associated site development works, landscaping, boundary treatment & including modifications to general infrastructure foul drainage, surface water drainage & road layout.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth take the free trial here.