(a) Demolition of existing school and removal of associated prefabricated temporary teaching accommodation units.
(b) Construction of new part single storey and part two-storey school building including 16 No. classrooms, 5 No. special education tuition rooms, a multi-purpose room, a library resource room, a general purpose hall, associated stores, administrative offices, service areas, circulation areas and a special needs unit with two base classrooms.
(c) Construction of on-site bus turning and set-down areas including staff and visitor car parking spaces, 2 No. ball courts, play areas, grassed playing pitch, bicycle parking spaces and bin storage area.
(d) Provision of new road marking on public road along access road at west road frontage of site. Removal of existing drop off area outside existing boundary wall at road junction and realignment of low boundary wall.
(e) Refurbishment and minor alterations of existing low boundary wall at street frontage including blocking up existing gates and opening new ones. Provision of new fencing along north-west and north-east site boundaries and heightening of a section of boundary treatment at the east corner of the site. Provision of new ball court fencing and other wall enclosures within the site and all ancillary associated site works, at this location

To find out more details on this School Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2020-10-20 take the free trial here.

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